Rep. Doug Lamborn, a Colorado Springs Republican, was discussing debt-ceiling negotiations on 630 KHOW-AM and said, “Even if some people say, 'Well, the Republicans should have done this or should have done that,' they will hold the president responsible," Lamborn said. "Now, I don't even want to be associated with him. It's like touching a, a tar baby and you get it. You know you're stuck, and you're part of the problem now, and you can't get away."
Really? Tar baby!? Is that were we are now? We are still using racial terms to describe the President of the United States? It was my hope that people would stop directing racial slurs at our President. Yes, he is a black man. What’s the problem? He was elected to sit in this position. If you don’t like him or his policies why run for Congress knowing damn well you are going to have to work with him!?
Of course Rep. Lamborn’s camp went into spin control as issued this apology, "Lamborn was attempting to tell a radio audience last week that the president's policies have created an economic quagmire for the nation and are responsible for the dismal economic conditions our country faces. He regrets that he chose the phrase 'tar baby,' rather than the word 'quagmire.' " said the statement from Lamborn's office.
Nope, sorry….unacceptable!!Own up to what you said and apologize directly to his face. Don’t issue a bogus apology. The two words sound NOTHING alike. It’s a shame that the President cannot get an ounce of respect from his political peers. Lord knows I wish he would just have a “ninja moment” on folks one day. I bet you they would respect him then.