About Me

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Just a young lady trying to leave a memorable championship game in the lives of those I encounter. I work and play hard, giving everything I got.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

In and Out

This weekend has been interesting to say the least.  Besides the funky mood I've been in and the weather to boot, I somehow managed to stay in, but also get out.

On Friday, my girl and I hit up an acquaintance's bornday party at a local lounge in Fort Washington.  We both had "zero fu*ks" to give and you could tell.  There wasn't the normal primping before heading out for a night on the town.  We opted for comfy shirts, jeans and boots.

I should've known the night would be full of laughs from the moment we stepped through the door.  There was no ID check....no change to be given after paying the cover charge......and the young lady collecting the money was dressed like a pink Care Bear.  Instant laughter!

Once fully inside there was so many "wow" moments...too many to write about.  Let's start with the fact that the MC was shouting out the class of 1969!!!! There were the women who were setting out there goodies like they were the dessert bar at the local Golden Corral.  There was a recently divorced older man who told my girl, "I just divorced last week to the woman I was married too for 30 years.  We had four kids and they are all over 20....that means I don't have to pay any child support."  So that's the new pick-up line.  Oh, ok.

Needless to say, laughs for everyone!

On Saturday I had big plans to workout, run errands, clean and attend a concert at the Kennedy Center.   The only thing I managed to do was go to that concert.  For whatever reason I just could not will myself out of the bed.  No workout....no errands....no cleaning.

Now once I forced myself out of bed and made it to downtown DC, my mood changed a little.  My girl and I hit up Valpiano's in Chinatown, which was new for me.  I enjoyed my dish and plan to visit there soon.

Fast forward to the Kennedy Center.....it was BEAUTIFUL!  I had never been there before, so I had to take a few seconds to take it all in.  It did my heart  joy to see people of all backgrounds dressed to the 9s to see Nas perform with the NSO.

The concert was GREAT!  Nas was......was wonderful.  He performed all of the tracks off of Illmatic and a few of his hits......to an orchestra!  The musicality was incredible!  I don't know if I spent more time watching Nas, the conductor or the musicians.  The conductor was grooving to the music and it was exciting to see.  Also exciting was the reaction of men when Nas performed most of his tracks.  At one point I thought the guy in front of us was going to throw his boxers on stage, lol.  Truly amazing how far hip hop has come.

Today, I haven't left the house.  No church...no gym...no errands.  I did manage to do a little cleaning and cooking.  That's a step up...I guess.

I'm not sure what my problem is, but I have to figure it out.  I don't like this getting out, but staying in thing. When I was out, my mood improved....perhaps I need to just stay out, lol.        

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Real Life Racey

The past few days have been difficult for me for some odd reason.  I seem to be in a funk and I cannot figure out why.

I mean I'm blessed to have a good, government job.

A roof over my head.

My car works fine.

My family is doing well.

My body is taking shape....well it was until this funk and the munchies hit, lol

But that is a post for another time....another day!

I decided to take a couple of "mental health" days while I try to get myself together.  

While I've been home, I've been watching the youtube web-series the Unwritten Rules.  

The series is based on the book, "40 Hours and an Unwritten Rule: The Diary of a Nigger, Negro, Colored, Black, African-American Woman" by Kim Williams.  The web series examines the comedic realities of a black co-worker in a predominantly white workplace.  I think I need to pick up that book.

What's funny is all of the various scenarios they have "Racey" in, I've also found myself in those situations...except for, the "crimes" were committed mostly by older black women, lol.  

I'm not the only black female at my job, but I am the youngest black female...who happens to work in the Civil Rights office.....with the highest ranking black female in the entire organization.

Yea, that alone makes me feel like I have eyes watching my every move.  Like "Racey", older black women have asked me about my hair when I decided to go natural.  I remember when I got kinky twists, at least two of them wanted to touch them.  

I guess because I am younger, they assume I'm supposed to know what "hip" and whatnot.  I can't count the number of times my supervisor has asked about a song or a particular celebrity.  I've been asked to help pick out gifts for her younger family members. 

Don't get me wrong, my white co-workers have also asked to touch my hair or asked about the latest dance moves or wanted to taste "soul food"....sorry to say it, but I expect that from them.

 In any event, I can relate to "Racey" and all of the things she has experienced.  Not just at the hands of white people, but all races.   I'm looking forward to the next season.


Monday, March 24, 2014

Passion and Purpose

As many know, I have a passion for fitness and helping people.  I live to help families achieve a healthy lifestyle.  I'm ALWAYS offering advice, solicited and unsolicited, about nutrition and fitness.

When I speak about such things I am able to do it with such confidence.  More confidence that when I speak about civil rights....and I've been doing that for almost 10 years.

I've been told by family, friends and strangers alike that this is my passion/purpose - And I believe them!

I just can't find the motivation to study and become certified in the craft.  Some of the information is too cumbersome for me.  Learning the intricate parts of the body/heart.......Not my thing.

I've always been a hands-on person, so the idea of sitting down to self study is not working for me.  There are workshops that I could attend, however, I can't find a workshop through the American Council of Exercise.

I need to figure out something...I want to make this world a healthier place and I can't do that without the proper credentials.   

Monday, March 3, 2014

About Time

I've never been the best with time management.  I've been criticized of stuffing too many activities into a day, both personally and professionally.

Granted, there are 60 seconds in a minute. 60 minutes in a hour. 24 hours in a day. 7 days in a week. 52 weeks in a year.

To me there is more than enough time for me to do everything for/with everyone.  Work for 8.5 hours; hit the gym for 2 hours; run errands for 2 hours; meet the girls/family for some healthy fun for 3 hours; attend dance rehearsal for 3.5 hours; spend time with my man for 3 hours and sleep for 3 hours.

See, all of that sounds doable.....to me, however, I was recently told by a good friend that it doesn't seem like I have time for a relationship.  I'm too busy with family, friends, dance the gym, church and other obligations.  Like I make time for whomever I'm dealing with AFTER I've done everything else.

That hurt.  It hurt because I've heard that sentiment echoed from several men whom I've dated, including the ex fiance.

I'm a firm believer if several people who don't know each other are saying the same thing, then there is validity to the statement.

I admit, I fill my plate with TOO much stuff, with reason.  Let's start with being a single woman, I have a lot of free time on my hands.  But honestly when I'm not running around, involved in something, or what have you, I tend to get in "trouble".  I don't mean legal trouble, but mental/physical trouble.

I may start eating a bunch of junk.

Or thinking about the bad parts of my life.

Or have suicidal thought .

Or I may feel alone.

All of those things drive me to a bad place.  So to combat that, I stay busy!  I stay involved.

Not to mention, growing up I didn't have the confidence to do much.  Back then I didn't want to be around anyone.  I just lived in that bad space.

Now I find myself having to find a balance.  I need to make myself available to whomever I'm dating so he doesn't feel like I'm "fitting" him my schedule; but rather he has an important place in my schedule.  I want to give him the best of me, not the leftovers after an exhausting day.

I want him to feel like the time we spend together is just as important to me as my time in the gym.

I created this life because my time was my own, but if I ever want to get to a place where I'm sharing my everything with my mate then I need to make changes.

Here's to doing AM and/or lunch workouts.....hanging with the girls once a month....saying "no" to always being available to family......to happiness and sharing life with someone :-)

"Time waits for no man."