This hurts my heart. It seems to be open season on our young black men. They are being killed with no regard and no consequence. It seems as though the majority is out to finish what they stated decades ago, killing us off. Mike Brown could have been my baby, my nephew.
The black community is PISSED, especially those in Ferguson and the surrounding areas. They have taken to the streets in a series of silent/non-silent protest that have resulted in riots, looting, tear gas, rubber bullets, arrests and more.
I'm not a fan of rioting/looting, however, I empathize with them. My thought is they feel this is the only way their voices will be heard. There is no coverage of the crime, racial profiling, harassment, poverty and the plagues the area. Very little has been done to address the issues.
The media is putting a spin on this, as always, and depicting both the victim and the citizens of Ferguson in an unsavory light. The outrage is NOT on the fact that a young, unarmed, black male lost his life; it is on the rioting and looting. The powers that be seem to want to change the narrative and not look at the root cause.
It's just sad.
I weep for young, black youth.
I weep for all of those we have loss.
I weep for society.