Closure: an often comforting or satisfying sense of finality (Merriam Webster)
Have you ever wondered why you and someone no longer speak or why things didn’t work out? I find myself doing it ALL the time. “Why are me and (insert name) not friends anymore? We were so cool in college.” “Why did me and (insert male/female name) not work out? Things were going so well and then things went south.” Now I totally understand the concept of “growing apart” and people are in your life for a “reason, season or lifetime.” But still, there is something about not having proper closure that bothers me.
Perhaps it is because I use every situation as a learning experience. I learn things about myself and others, hence allowing me to grow and not hold on to much baggage. Lord knows, I already have enough “bags” (bitterness) already. Or maybe it’s because when I was growing up I never quite received the closure I needed from my dad about why he left? I don’t know…’s just something about closure that I like. It does not matter in what form the closure comes in…email, face-to-face, phone, text, Skype, whatever!! *shrug*

In almost every relationship I have been in there has been some sort of closure and for the most part we are able to remain cool if not friends. I am not an arguer (but I will debate you to death, lol) and I like to end things on good terms. There is no need for yelling, cussing, fighting, etc.....that is so 9th grade. Having that closure conversation allows both parties to get out any emotions and answer any “what-if” questions.
There are a couple of situations I have going on right now in which I would love some closure….I requested it, let’s see if it happens….
What are your thoughts on closures? Have you ever been in a situation in which you did not get it? How did you get over the failed relationship?
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