I have no clue what I am going to do with the large amount of free time I have on my hands. Unlike previous years I have no football, Auntie/nephew time, relationship, work related travel or second job to occupy my summer months. This year it looks like it’s going to be me, myself and I. Granted I do have school, but not really. I’m enrolled in an independent study course and I only have one paper to write. I also have GLE, but after our show in July there is not much scheduled.
Due to the NFL lockout I can’t read about free agent signings, OTAs, and training camps. I can’t start talking trash and researching who I would like to draft on my fantasy football team. Instead, I am praying an NFL CBA is reached so that at least a part of the season is saved. Maybe I can watch the NFL Network to get my football fix. Granted, they show old games but football is football……..Ok, no not really. I never realized how much free time I actually spent on football until now. Maybe I’ll just follow the CFL *sigh*
My Fatman is 10 years old going on 18. He doesn’t want to spend time with his Auntie anymore. Now he is into swimming, riding his bike, playing with neighborhood friends and attending summer classes that are not really summer classes. Frankly, he has no time for me. We use to go places and have fun. Guess it is all a part of him growing up. Gosh I wish he was younger again. The only time I will see him is when he needs something….clothes, shoes, money, a ride, etc. Smh.
My dating life SUCKS! I’ve been single for quite some time now and it doesn’t seem like my status will be changing anytime soon. I understand it’s the summer and love connections are not made until the fall comes….everyone has to find that Winter Boo, lol. I’m cool with not having a boyfriend, but I do want to date this summer. Not just regular dates either….going to dinner/movies is for the birds!! I want to do something fun!!! Jet Ski at Ocean City, visit downtown DC, indoor/outdoor go karting, a trip to Kings Dominion on a nice summer day, roller skating…you get my drift.
Thanks to Congress and the budget standoff, there is not much on the horizon for work-related travel. Last year it was Hawaii. Year before that was Japan and Guam. Year before that was Cali and Hawaii….you see where I am going. This year I get Norfolk and Palm Desert, CA. Oh what joy *side eye* Granted I was visiting all of these wonderful places on the government’s dime and I was working! But I was also able to enjoy the areas I was in. My week in Norfolk won’t be too and since I might be able to see a few friends and I plan to chill at the spa in Cali. When life gives you lemons….add some ingredients and make cupcakes from scratch, lol.
For years I worked between 2-3 jobs like I was part Jamaican. I worked for the government, a bank and a community center all at the same time. Yes, I am a real life Super Woman! *dons cape* Last year I quit the part-times jobs so I could have more free time and minister with GLE. Joining GLE was one of the best decisions of my life, but I miss my part time jobs…..especially working at the bank. To be honest I’ve been thinking about getting another one, I just don’t know what I want to do.
With all this free time I guess I will continue to work out, blog, go to church and try to stay out of trouble. When I have a lot of free time on my hands I become a member of the ninja coon society, lol. I pray that doesn’t happen this year.