Now I have always been a "chunky" girl. Since birth I've had thick legs, hips, etc. As my Mommy likes to say I have a lot of Calhoun (My dad's side of the family were ALL the women have small waists, thick legs/hips) running through me. It's funny because I can't recall any of my cousins having a weight issue. During my childhood years I was teased because of my size. I mean I WAS wearing adult-sized clothes by the time I reached 7th or 8th grade. By that time I weighed in close to 160lbs!
I remember in high school people coming to the football games to see the "big girl" on the squad. Although I had weight to me I could still jumps were good, minus my Russian :-( It really hurt me that I was still being teased about my weight in high school. After my second year of cheer leading I quit. I was tired of the jokes and the skirts were VERY short on me. When I graduated high school I was well on my way to weighing 200lbs. I ate what I wanted and the only exercise I got was through dancing on the weekends when I went clubbing.
I went to college wearing a size 18 and didn't think much about it. Yea, everyone around me was small but I didn't give a damn. I continued to eat what I wanted and hot much I wanted. Secretly, I wanted to be smaller but I had no idea where to begin. I was still being teased and after a while I just stayed to myself. I would hang with a few people, but I didn't go out in public. By the end of my junior year I was about 227lbs and wearing a size 24!!!!
I went home for the summer and noticed my mom had lost a considerable amount of weight. She told me she started kickboxing at this place called Top Shape Fitness and I should take a class with her. I wasn't feeling it, but because it was my mommy I went. Top Shape kicked my arse that first day! George was HARD. He called me out when I wasn't doing the moves. I only lasted about 35 mins before I quit. My mom kept encouraging me to go, so I did.
One day after class the owner, George, pulled me aside and asked me what my goals were. I explained I needed to lose weight but I thought I was going to be big forever. He told me to stick with it and gave me some healthy eating tips. I looked at that sheet with the "Ninja, you tripping" face. He told me to change my eating habits and take some more classes so by the time I start my senior year of college I would be 15-20lbs lighter. I did what he said and I got results! It was funny to see the faces of classmates who picked on me.

I'm very proud of my story and someday I hope to open a business in which I help people reach there healthy lifestyle goals. It's not completely about the numbers on the scale, but more so about your overall health and how you feel inside. It may have taken me years to shed the weight, but I feel AWESOME!!! #TeamFit all day!
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