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Just a young lady trying to leave a memorable championship game in the lives of those I encounter. I work and play hard, giving everything I got.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Thankful for the Painful Lesson

I broke my nose a few weeks ago.  I know, I know….poor me.   I’ll save you all the details, but just know I got into a fight with a 35lb weight plate and a fly.  

During the course of stopping the blood and cleaning up the weight area, I told my mentor I was 
done with my workout for the day.  I mean I had just completed 40 mins of cardio and about 30 mins of weight training.  I think I had satisfied government recommendations.   

After I applied a bandage to my nose and ensured the only way someone would know there was blood in the room was if they went through there with a black light; I told myself I could finish the workout. 

Then I told my mentor.....She looked at me like I had lost my mind.  She asked is I was sure….double sure….triple sure. 

I confirmed I was and we finished our workout.  I then went on to look at homes, complete my weekly grocery shopping and my meal prep for the week. 

It wasn’t until later that I went to a local urgent care facility and was told my nose was broken.  I was blessed to have a clean break, so no resetting was necessary.  

I was knocked down, but not knocked out. 

As much as I hate to admit it; that’s been my life.  

I’ve found myself in pain; be it mental, physical, emotional or spiritual.  Sometimes the pain was self inflicted, others it was not.  Despite my pain, I’ve always been able to continue with what I was doing, even when my initial reaction was to give up. 

I needed to be reminded of this lesson today.  I was minding my business, in a happy place, but over the course of a few hours I was knocked down.

The house I wanted, I don’t think I will be able to comfortably afford. 

A guy I was interesting in, I’m realizing has a lot of BS with him.

The weight I was hoping to lose is still here. 

I called my girlfriend, she prayed. 

I talked to my work mentor and she reminded me how far I’ve come.

I talked to my kindred twin and she invited me to her house for a home cooked meal.

I touched my still-healing nose and remembered I can handle the pain and full healing will come….in time!

1 comment:

  1. *cue Rocky theme music* That's right!! you are a winner sissy poo :-) Love you much.
