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Just a young lady trying to leave a memorable championship game in the lives of those I encounter. I work and play hard, giving everything I got.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

A Summer to Remember

Wow!!!  This summer has been one heck of a ride for me.  This is the first time in years that I have been able to enjoy my entire summer. 
Let’s see……..
I was able to be Super Auntie to my babies, my niece and nephew, for about two weeks in June.  I had an amazing time with my bundles of joy.  There is nothing better than being an Auntie.  We worked-out, watched movies, played at the park, took field trips and cooked “kid” foods.  
There were days when I would come home feeling defeated from work or personal issues, but they always found a way to cheer me up.  My niece would tell me I was THE best Auntie Bobo in the world.  My nephew would cook me a healthy dinner, while him and my niece ate “junk”.  There were mornings when I would wake up to find them asleep on my bedroom floor.
I love them to pieces. 
My “love life” kinda picked up a little bit as well.  At the suggestion of a friend, I joined a dating website and met some interesting men.  Although none of them turned into a “boo thang”, I was able to hang out with different people and enjoy their company.  There were a few that stuck out and we managed to make it past two dates, lol. 
On-line dating also helped me learn more about myself and what I wanted out of a mate.  NC challenged my spoiledness.  He would really tell me “no” when I wanted something; it didn’t matter what it was.  DCPD pushed me to try new things and venture into DC a little more.  Since he worked late hours he would often invite me out to the DC night spots, which was cool because now I know some chill spots to visit. Taz reminded me the importance of being emotionally stable. 
While I didn’t do any personal travel, my workcation in Hawaii allowed me to relax when it was quitting time.  After a long’s day work, I would walk along the beach as the sun was setting.  Since there was a 6 hour time difference, I was able to spend a lot of time with myself and reflect on some things.  I overcame my fear of heights and climbed Diamond Head volcano.   
I accomplished my goal of running a 5K every month this summer.  I started run season with Pook at the Marine Corps Vet 5K in Baltimore in May.  In June, I ran with a high school friend at a local church 5k.  In July, I participated in an obstacle 5K with one of my closest friends and her co-workers in.  That thing was soooo much fun because not only were there obstacles, but also mud!  In August, I ran around Waikiki while on my workcation.  I have a few more races to participate in until November when I hang up my running shoes. 
I also played a little basketball, went bowling, started back dancing with GLE, and hit a couple of night spots for some dancing.
The house hunt was on-going and although they started looking alike, I learned what I need to pay attention too while looking.  I was able to place an offer on a lovely town home in PG County in August, so we will see how that turns out.
The summer was fun and I am ready to see what fall has in store J

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