For a long time I thought the best friends had to be formed for childhood friendships, flawed thinking I know. I would always hear people talk about how they have been best friends with *insert name here* since they were both "knee high". I never had that type of relationship with childhood friends....hell, don't even talk to 99% of them. See I have best friends, four in all, that I met since HS. Each one represents a time in my life and has had my back ever since.
My oldest best friend, Nicole, I have known for 15 years. We have had some CRAZY times together.....cussing folks out, double dates, Dru Hill Sundays, Club Fridays, etc. Like most best friends we have also had fights and at one point didn't speak for a while. But since we were REAL best friends we worked out our differences and moved on like nothing ever happened. Over the past year she has had my back through difficult and I love/thank her for that.
In 2000, I met this crazy girl named Angel at High Point University. I will be honest, while we were roommates I could not stand her to a certain degree. We were like night and day. When I was sleeping, which was when I wasn't in class, she was up. I was hip hop and she was rock. We were really like oil and water. I am sure I wasn't her friend either until we were no longer roommates. She saw me through my foolish college years and ALWAYS told me the cold, hard truth about myself even when I didn't want to hear it. She has been uber loyal to me and me too her.

Last but not least, in 2005 I met my only male best friend, Paul aka PC, through FB. I don't even remember how we came into contact with each other, but we had a lot in common (football, football and football). From the onset he help me with KSAs, talk football and life with me. He never judged me when we discussed life issues. There are times when we go months without speaking, but when we do it's like we never loss communication. He is an AWESOME man!