About Me

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Just a young lady trying to leave a memorable championship game in the lives of those I encounter. I work and play hard, giving everything I got.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I'm About My Business!

I did it…..I took a leap of faith at the cost of $457.00…..to invest in myself…..in what I believe God called me do.  As I have mentioned in previous posts I love working out and helping people reach their healthy lifestyles/weight loss goals.   A few years ago I was told by a young lady that I should get into the fitness business via Group Fitness Instructor or Personal Trainer.  She said I had a knack for motivating and pushing people to eat right, work out and do the things it takes to be healthy.  To her I was a living testimony of what one can achieve when they pray and put there mind to something. 

Through hard work, dedication and prayer I managed to drop nearly 75 pounds without the assistance of surgery or weight loss pills.  With the encouragement of my mother, I started working out and slowly changing my eating habits.  Instead of eating when something was going on in my life I would write and workout.  If I did decide to eat, it was something healthy.  As I started dropping the weight I kept a “fat” photo in my gym bag and on my phone.  It was a reminder of where I had come from and where I didn’t want to be. 

As I was losing weight and working out I wouldn’t speak to anyone in the gym.  I was focused man!!!!  I wore extremely large t-shirts because in my mind I was still pushing 230 pounds.  It wasn’t until one of the trainers told me to wear clothes my size that I changed.  Two trainers would point out to their clients how much weight I had lost.  Since humans have the natural ability to ask questions folks would ask me how I did it and share their painful weight stories with me.  Just as my mom encouraged me, I encouraged them.  From there it seemed people, mostly women would ask me for assistance.  They would ask what I ate, how much cardio I did, what exercises were the best for this or that.  It was in that time that I actually started inviting people to join me in my workouts and developed a passion for group fitness and personal training.

Throughout the years I would always train with young women to help them reach their fitness goals.  A few months ago I was approached by a mother of 3 to help her drop some of the weight from her last child.  Even though she didn’t follow my plan to the “T” she saw results and spread the word.  In the last month I’ve added three new clients!  I’m sure it helps that I’m training them free of charge, but I see this as free publicity.  The more the lose, the more I gain!!!! Each of them have encouraged me to become certified so I can turn this gift into a small business.  A close friend even spoke into existence of me owning my own gym!

The Bible says faith without works is dead.  I can’t except to have a small business without getting the proper certification first.  So I ordered mt exam materials from the American Council on Exercise (ACE).  From talking to current Master Trainers, ACE is THE best in the game.  According to ACE I should be able to sit for the exam in 3 months IF I apply myself like a college student…..and that’s EXACTLY what I plan to do.  Once I complete this the goal is to get my personal training and nutrition certification. God gave me the gift and the tools and I plan to use them! 

Happy Fitness readers! You will be seeing me in a gym near you VERY soon!


  1. Good stuff Jerk.. I luv it!!! Tryna get me summa that free-of-charge training too :o)p

    1. :-) You know your training is on the house regardless! Thanks for your support!
